Thursday 24 March 2016

24 March 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we reviewed the Learning Sheets in class and the children were encouraged to ask questions pertaining to the meaning of words and the reasons why certain questions were answered in such a way. I am happy to report that a number of students who had formally been very quiet and did not participate, had raised their hands today and asked their questions in class. The others who had usually questioned were also given the opportunity to voice their opinion or ask their questions as usual. We then had a fruitful time discussing their queries in class while I was reviewing the learning sheets. I hope that this trend will continue, as I continue to encourage the children to learn actively in class in a non-threatening environment. The children learnt active and passive voice, as well as how to join sentences with connectors today.

As messaged today, the children will be having their Oral SA1 on 25 April. We had learnt how to elaborate for oral stimulus-based conversation using the strategy of T.R.E.E.S. I'll blog more in my next post. We will be reviewing oral strategies for reading aloud, and stimulus-based conversation in the coming week.

Homework due on Monday 28 March will be the exercises (cover page to p. 15) from the companion booklet issued to them. They were told to do their best and to highlight any queries if they are in doubt when they are doing their homework. We will review this booklet on Monday. They will be having their Spelling for Week 2 on Monday as well.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

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