Thursday 7 January 2016

Welcome to the English Blog for 5F

Dear Parents,

This is the English Blog set up for 5F.  I hope to share with you what your child has learnt in the English class, and what might be the useful resources and/or tips for English language learning for your child.  I hope that through this blog, you will be able to better understand what your child is learning in class for English.

This blog will be updated daily in terms of the English lessons conducted in class for your child. Other information (such as tips for improving English) will be posted periodically. However, as the blog was not accessible last week as you were not aware of its existence earlier, I will condense what was learnt in Term 1 Week 1 for you in a single blog post (in the next post).

I hope that through the use of this blog, we can foster a closer partnership, to work together to support and guide your child to develop to the best of his/her potential so that there is mastery of the English language.

I look forward to our partnership this year.
Thank you.

Ow Yeong(Dr)

1 comment:

  1. Guys just sharing, I've found this interesting! Check it out!

    more info
