Wednesday 20 January 2016

20 Jan 2016

Dear Parents,

Today we learnt how to write a good composition. The children took down notes and then they worked with their peers to give comments on their friends' writing. Information learnt include:-
a) to write based on the given focus (which will be printed in bold letters) e.g. a frightening experience (the focus of the current piece of writing)
b) to look carefully as the given pictures and select one (and at most two) of the given pictures to use it and make sure it plays a huge part in the story
c) to SHOW and not TELL
d) To know different ways of starting a piece of writing e.g. Flashback, dialogues etc

Tomorrow we will continue our learning to know how to write well, and continue peer editing as well.

No homework issued today.

The children will submit a rewritten piece of writing on Friday. They will staple their question paper, mind map (planning), first draft, peer rubrics with comments, and a final draft and submit on Friday.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

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