Thursday 14 January 2016

15 Jan 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we reviewed the homework worksheets. Homework collected - LS 1.1-1.5. The children also made notes when I have gone through.

I have also gone through some strategies and tips for answering questions base on the given stack of practice sheets. These practice sheets were given to expose your child to likely types of questions in the P5 test/exam. I will collect from them on Monday when they have completed them, or have re-checked them.

In my next post, I will put up the slides shown to the children on Reported Speech. The children are tasked to make their own notes on how to rewrite a reported speech in their learning log. I will be checking on Monday.

They were also asked to think about 3 pictures which may give rise to a frightening experience. They will be working on this to start a writing exercise on Monday.

- a picture of a masked robber wanting to enter a room/house
- a picture of a barking dog
- a picture of a boy crouching in a corner, looking frightened

Things to bring - homework for submission, clip board plus pen, and foolscap paper.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

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