Friday 19 February 2016

17 - 19 and 22 - 23 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,

From 17 Feb onwards till 19 Feb, we had doing revision, filing and corrections, as well as exploring STELLAR Reader Unit 3 - Ride On, using the KWL (Know, Want to know, Learnt) method. The children were encouraged to look at their prior knowledge of the topic, asked what they want to know based on the given topic and picture stimulus, and then later connect by reading the passage (this method is for non-fictional text) to find out if their questions are answered, and what other answers did the passage provide. We will continue this exploration next week, after the Term Review on Tuesday 23 Feb.

I will be away for my MOE full day course on 22 and 23 Feb. I will be back on 24 Feb.
For 22 Feb, the children will be doing a 40-question MCQ worksheet to revise Grammar, and each will then be given the answers for self-checking. This is to help them to review what they had learnt.

For 23 Feb, it will be their Term Review Paper during the EL lesson. Please refer to the note given to your child in their EL file for the sections to be tested. Do let me know if you had not seen the note.

As such, they would not have missed teaching and learning time.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend!

P.S. My next Blog is on 24 Feb.

Ow Yeong 

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