Monday 15 February 2016

15 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,
We had the Total Defence Day Celebrations today. As such, we did not have our EL lessons today. Instead, I could only make the necessary announcements to the class:-

a) Reminder that Term Review for EL is on 23 Feb during the EL lessons.
b) Homework will be additional McOnline exercises due Wednesday. For those who had not completed their McOnline assignments issued last Thurs/Fri, they are to get it done by this Wednesday as well.
c) Spelling for Week 7 as well as unseen dictation (Clue - a paragraph from one of the 2 Stellar Readers in their daily green EL file) will be scheduled on 16 Feb instead. They are to bring their Spelling books.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

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