Thursday 25 February 2016

24 - 25 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,
On 24 Feb, we learnt prefixes and their specific meanings, as well as imperatives. Then the children were guided in their work for LS 3.1-3.4. They were to bring the incomplete worksheets (LS 3.1-3.4) back for homework.

On 25 Feb, the children did their corrections for grammar and vocabulary worksheets returned to them and filed them. We then had our lesson on how to do situational writing and the children took notes in their learning log.  Please refer to their learning log for notes shared with them in class. Their homework (due Monday) will be situational writing.

I will be messaging you to give you the periodic updates on your child by the end of this weekend. 
Thank you.

Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Friday 19 February 2016

17 - 19 and 22 - 23 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,

From 17 Feb onwards till 19 Feb, we had doing revision, filing and corrections, as well as exploring STELLAR Reader Unit 3 - Ride On, using the KWL (Know, Want to know, Learnt) method. The children were encouraged to look at their prior knowledge of the topic, asked what they want to know based on the given topic and picture stimulus, and then later connect by reading the passage (this method is for non-fictional text) to find out if their questions are answered, and what other answers did the passage provide. We will continue this exploration next week, after the Term Review on Tuesday 23 Feb.

I will be away for my MOE full day course on 22 and 23 Feb. I will be back on 24 Feb.
For 22 Feb, the children will be doing a 40-question MCQ worksheet to revise Grammar, and each will then be given the answers for self-checking. This is to help them to review what they had learnt.

For 23 Feb, it will be their Term Review Paper during the EL lesson. Please refer to the note given to your child in their EL file for the sections to be tested. Do let me know if you had not seen the note.

As such, they would not have missed teaching and learning time.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend!

P.S. My next Blog is on 24 Feb.

Ow Yeong 

Tuesday 16 February 2016

16 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,
On 16 Feb, the children reviewed their work and did corrections. We also attempted filing.
Then we started on our new Stellar Reader - Ride On, with responses from the children on what they knew about the MRT transport system and what they want to know.

We will continue this exploration today.
Homework: McOnline practices due end of this week

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Monday 15 February 2016

15 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,
We had the Total Defence Day Celebrations today. As such, we did not have our EL lessons today. Instead, I could only make the necessary announcements to the class:-

a) Reminder that Term Review for EL is on 23 Feb during the EL lessons.
b) Homework will be additional McOnline exercises due Wednesday. For those who had not completed their McOnline assignments issued last Thurs/Fri, they are to get it done by this Wednesday as well.
c) Spelling for Week 7 as well as unseen dictation (Clue - a paragraph from one of the 2 Stellar Readers in their daily green EL file) will be scheduled on 16 Feb instead. They are to bring their Spelling books.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Wednesday 10 February 2016

10 to 12 Feb

Dear Parents,
Unfortunately I fell down 3 times over the long CNY break. As such, the doctor has advised for me to rest for 2 days. I will be back on Monday.

For today (Wednesday), the children had their oral presentation on 'local sports heroes'. They had written their script, and the rest of the class evaluated their performance and also wrote down positive comments for them. The children would also be reflecting on this project. 2 more groups would be presenting as we had run out of time. We will do this next Monday.

For Thursday - the children will be doing school-based worksheets on Grammar, Vocabulary, editing and Cloze passages.

For Friday, the children will be doing their companion booklet 3.

Homework will be additional Mconline assignments due next week.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Thursday 4 February 2016

4 Feb 2016

Dear Parents,
Today I have announced to the children the following:-
a) Dictation for Week 5 will be postponed to next Friday 12 Feb.
b) Homework due 12 Feb will be McOnline Assignments - EL assignments. I have also encouraged them to view Writing Buddy - writing skills section for the tutorials on Good introduction and other writing tutorials on their own before we review in class.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful long weekend!
Happy Lunar New Year to all those who are celebrating!
Happy Holidays to everyone else!

Ow Yeong

Tuesday 2 February 2016

1st, 2nd and 3rd Feb

Dear Parents,
On 1st Feb, as I was away on course, the children had a full class-based assessment for Booklet A of Paper 2.
On 2nd Feb, we went through Learning Sheets 2.1-2.4 and took the opportunity to go through Synthesis and Transformation question answering techniques. We also read a story in class. Homework 2.1-2.4 was collected.
On 3rd Feb, the children submitted their final draft for writing on a memorable sporting event. They also had a lesson on Subject verb agreement (with notetaking and a small whiteboard quiz). Then they had a short group discussion for their group project on local sports heroes. They are to come up with a script and role play the interviewing of 2 selected local sports heroes.

There is no homework issued today. I will issue online homework for them tomorrow - due 12 Feb.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong