Monday 4 April 2016

4 April 2016

Dear Parents,

Today we reviewed techniques in writing and the children noted common errors made in their writing. Tomorrow we will be filing our writing pieces. We also learnt how to 'show' and not 'tell' for continuous writing and just to tell for situational writing. They also learnt about writing a strong introduction via mconline Writing Buddy. They are to
A) go through writing buddy tutorial 1 and 2 on 'strong introductions' and to take notes in their learning log.
B) prepare for dictation ( postponed till tomorrow) based on 'Space Junk' Stellar reader.
(Homework due Tomorrow)
We ran out of time to go through homework worksheets done so will do that tomorrow before collecting.

The children are to bring their ezi link card tomorrow as well to borrow books from the National library.

Thank you.
Have a good day.
Ow Yeong

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