Friday 29 April 2016

29 April 2016

Dear Parents,

The children learnt vocabulary and pointers related to Paper 2 when I went through revision paper 1. Those who had not completed their mconline assignments were advised to complete by this weekend. The children also received their homework - revision paper 3 as it is a good practice for paper 2.

Thank you.
Have a good day.
Ow Yeong

Thursday 28 April 2016

28 April 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we concentrated on revising reported speech for Synthesis and Transformation.  The children did this via e-learning.

Homework was already issued since Tuesday and due Friday.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Wednesday 27 April 2016

27 April 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we concentrated on revising Grammar (Subject-Verb Agreement) and Synthesis and Transformation.  The children did this via e-learning.

Homework was already issued since Tuesday and due Friday.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Monday 25 April 2016

25 and 26 April

Dear Parents,
There is NO homework issued on Monday as it was their EL Oral day.

Homework is issued today and it will be the same for the week. All homework for the week have been issued on McOnline as EL assignments.

For 25 and 26 April - we reviewed the 3 Revision Papers done in class.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Wednesday 20 April 2016

21 and 22 April (Exam Timetable) - I have only visited the class to review tips for the EL paper and to wish them all the best, as well as invigilate for Listening Comprehension on 21 April. Will not get to see them much on 22 April. End of message.

20 April 2016

Dear Parents,

Today we reviewed and prepared for Paper 1 (SA1) via viewing good compositions and the children noted down useful words and phrases, as well as story ideas.

The children will be having their SA1 (Paper 1 and Listening Comprehension) tomorrow.

Thank you.

Ow Yeong

Tuesday 19 April 2016

19 April 2016

Dear Parents,

Today the children had e-learning and concentrated on vocabulary building today. They will continue this exercise tomorrow.

Homework is to
a) Review the notes in the learning log on Paper 1 and Listening Comprehension
b) Review all the model compositions in McOnline
c) Create a vocabulary list (from A to Z) of good vocabulary and phrases (on foolscap paper)

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Monday 18 April 2016

18 April 2016 (with information on Paper 1 and Listening Comprehension)

Dear Parents,
I've returned the writing package to the children with an additional Situational Writing and and additional Continuous Writing. The children were to return the writing package to me this Friday.

Today we postponed Unseen Dictation till Wednesday so that I could use the time to review Paper 1 writing techniques and strategies with the children.  This was what I have shared with the children today:-

Friday 15 April 2016

15 April 2016

Dear Parents,
Today the children had E learning and we concentrated on grammar (subject verb agreement). Homework due Monday will be note taking (in the learning log) for all the tutorials in mconline 's writing buddy's writing skills section and reading of model compositions from mconline.

Thank you.
Have a good day and a great weekend.
Ow Yeong

Tuesday 12 April 2016

13 to 14 April 2016

Dear Parents,
I will be on 2 days of parents' leave. The children will be doing Revision Papers 1 and 2 on 13 and 14 April respectively.

Thank you.

P.S. No homework to be issued as already issued earlier.
Ow Yeong

12 April 2016

Dear Parents,
This is the schedule for today's lesson:-

Sunday 10 April 2016

11 April 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we had Spelling for Week 4, and we also reviewed Companion Booklet 6 before the children submitted their work.

Note: There is NO EL homework issued today. This is to allow some of the children who were absent recently to catch up with their work. Homework will be issued tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Friday 8 April 2016

8 April 2016

Dear Parents,
This is the schedule of what we had done in class today:-

7 April 2016

Dear Parents,
Today we spent time on learning how to read aloud fluently and expressively with the children listening to good reading and noting down parts when they should give emphasis. They were also given a stack of stimulus-based conversation oral package to guide them to use T.R.E.E.S. to elaborate. We will be using the package tomorrow.

P.S. Homework was already issued the day before and due tomorrow (8/4)

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Wednesday 6 April 2016

6 April 2016

Dear Parents,
Today, we continued with our filing for our writing file. The children brought the file back with a set of homework (due this Friday 8 April) - situational and continuous writing - to see if they had read and taken note of the feedback, and has taken the advice given, as well as what was learnt in class (for Situational - to follow the given letter format, and to re-tell what was given, and for Continuous - to remember to SHOW and not tell).

They had taken notes previously on how to write well.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!
Ow Yeong

Tuesday 5 April 2016

5 April 2016

Dear Parents,

Today we did filing for our writing package. Then we had dictation. The last part of that lesson was reading and borrowing at the library for the NLB books.

P.s. I have given a bound copy of model writing to your child- from the top writer in p5 last year . This was done with her permission. Please help to allow your child to go through. I will collect back  agree

Thank you.
Have a good day.
Ow Yeong

Monday 4 April 2016

4 April 2016

Dear Parents,

Today we reviewed techniques in writing and the children noted common errors made in their writing. Tomorrow we will be filing our writing pieces. We also learnt how to 'show' and not 'tell' for continuous writing and just to tell for situational writing. They also learnt about writing a strong introduction via mconline Writing Buddy. They are to
A) go through writing buddy tutorial 1 and 2 on 'strong introductions' and to take notes in their learning log.
B) prepare for dictation ( postponed till tomorrow) based on 'Space Junk' Stellar reader.
(Homework due Tomorrow)
We ran out of time to go through homework worksheets done so will do that tomorrow before collecting.

The children are to bring their ezi link card tomorrow as well to borrow books from the National library.

Thank you.
Have a good day.
Ow Yeong