Tuesday 24 May 2016

4, 25 and 26 May 2016 ( with holiday homework posted)

Dear Parents,
On 24 and 25 May, we would be completing our Literature Booklet for 'Sing to the Dawn'.
Thank you.
Ow Yeong

On 26 May, the children did a practice paper (Section A only).

Holiday homework is issued on 25 May:-

Primary Five Holiday Homework (due T3 W1 Day 2)

  • ·       McOnline Assignments ( Grammar, Vocabulary and Synthesis & Transformation exercises)
  • ·       To read 20 English story books (can include thin books or comic books in proper English) – to record and submit a list with authors.  If a short review (5 sentences) is included, there will be additional points.
  • ·       (Highly encouraged) – Stimulus-based conversation on McOnline – Oral Buddy – to record and email Miss Ow Yeong at missowyeong@gmail.com

Thursday 19 May 2016

19 and 20 May

Dear Parents,
your child's schedule is as follows:-

a) 19 May - The children did their review to ensure that their write-up is ready for noticeboard publication. Homework was issued today - synthesis and transformation homework - due next Tuesday 24 May

b) 20 May - Literature programme classwork - characterisation - to write adjectives to describe characters in 'Sing to the Dawn'.

Note: Paper 2 for EL as well as the oral feedback form will be returned on 20 May. Please help to view and sign (if not signed) and return the papers next Tuesday.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful day!

Ow Yeong

Friday 13 May 2016

13 May 2016

Dear Parents,

Today we started the Literature Programme for P5. We reviewed the book 'Sing to the Dawn' and I got the children to do self-paced e-learning (comparing and contrasting the book and the animated movie that was made based on the book title). They are encouraged to have finished reading the book and to take note of differences between the book and the movie in terms of characterisation and storyline.

I will be going through in detail and show your child (and review) Paper 2 on Monday, and also advise your child to do the necessary corrections.

No homework issued today as the children had just completed their examinations this week.

Thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Ow Yeong

Friday 6 May 2016

3 to 6 May 2016

Dear Parents,
Time was spent on reviewing practice papers, with exam strategies shared, as well as e-learning to review grammar, vocabulary and comprehension.

Homework for this week - mconline assignments (10)
No homework issued on Friday. The children are to do self-review for their SA1 EL on Monday.
There was also spelling on Friday.
All the best to your child for SA1!
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Ow Yeong